Same Day Delivery

We have Same Day Delivery service where you can get your order on the same-day you paid for it.

Just follow the steps below!

1. Choose your desired item and click add to cart. Click on the cart icon to view your order and continue to ‘Check out’ to place your order.

2. Fill-out the details needed in the CUSTOMER INFORMATION. 


3. Select SAME-DAY-DELIVERY for Metro Manila on the SHIPPING METHOD page.

4. Click CONTINUE TO PAYMENT METHOD, and choose your desired mode of payment.
Please take note that COD option is not available for SAME DAY DELIVERY. Shipping Rate may vary depending on the location.


5. Click on 'Complete Order' to finish your transaction and wait for our call/text


NOTE: A scanned/picture copy of your payment must be sent to us via VIBER, FB Messenger OR EMAIL.


For further questions, email us at